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Questions and answers

(Translated by Google) Yes (Original) はい

(Translated by Google) There is (Original) あります

(Translated by Google) I want to know the screening movie (Original) 今上映映画知りたい

(Translated by Google) free (Original) 無料

(Translated by Google) Hanaya had one specialty store and one Yokado relationship. Both are on the first floor. (Original) 花屋さんは、専門店が1軒と、ヨーカドーの関係が1軒ありました。どちらも1階フロアです。

(Translated by Google) I hardly come before opening. I think it ’s faster to call on the phone… (Original) 開店前は、ほとんど来ません。電話で、呼んだ方が速いと思います…

(Translated by Google) Care products are on sale. I have bought a cane At that time, I did not see a white stick. Sorry for the help. (Original) 介護用品は、売っています。 杖を買ったことありますが その時は、白い杖をみませんでした。お役に立たずごめんなさい。

(Translated by Google) It is QBHouse. I am doing ~ (Original) QBHouseですね。 やってますよ〜

(Translated by Google) I think men's clothing can be found in the men's clothing section of Yokado on the second floor. (Original) 男物なら、2階のヨーカ堂の紳士服売場のあたりにもあると思います。